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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Temperance: Yeah Still On That Shit

First off: I have gone through 10 pounds of lemons in the past 2 weeks. 10 pounds. I'm kind of addicted to spicy lemonade and have taken to drinking it instead of soda or sweet tea. I bring lemons with me to work and my boyfriend's house even. It's pretty bananas. Or rather. Lemons.

So maybe I'm not being temperate with the lemons or the cayenne, but these things I can handle.

Next up: what did I want to do and what did I actually accomplish?
  • Lose weight: Eh. Kinda. I lost like 5 pounds or something. Numbers are misleading though, measuring my body fat and it hasn't changed as much as I'd like it to. Back to handstands and go-go dancing, I guess.
  •  Examining my relationship to food and drink: Hardcore. The number of times that I wanted to eat something horrible for me and stopped myself only to find that I didn't really need or want it is rather amazing. Also: I don't really crave bad foods as much anymore. That's rad. And drinking. Well. If you'd have told me I could stay away from whiskey and champagne for 10 days about a month ago I would have called you delusional. But it was shockingly easy and while I totally had a French 75 the other night and fucking *loved* it, I have spent most evenings all sober and shit. Not a bad deal.
  • Experimentation with lack of indulgence: I performed the experiment but did not learn much. My dreams got cooler for sure, and overall I felt more awesome but I think that just had to do with knowing I could do what I was doing and not lose my shit. So well. I didn't go cray. But I didn't reach any Buddha-like states of enlightenment either. I am still not fully Realized.
  • Seeing if I can fucking do it: Turns out I can.
So there you have it. I kicked Temperance's ass for 10 days straight.

Enough about that. Done looking in the mirror. Tonight I get to play goldfish in bowl instead, at a nightclub I can lose my short-term memory for a bit and it's all good.

Hey, have I seen you somewhere before?

Yeah. In line for the bathroom 10 minutes ago.


Shit like that. Everyone is brand new under dim lights with a DJ spinning. There's no way to get familiar.

Fuck Familiar. Unless you're talking about a pet lion. Or an ocelot. Having a magical ocelot would be cool. Buddha wouldn't mind that, would he?

No. I don't think he would.

I gotta go buy more lemons and finish my nails. Later alligator.

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