First off I did *not* get up at the ass crack of dawn to chug salt water today. Based on everything I've read and the peeps I've talked to about it that isn't a big deal. But I'm supposed to try it in a couple days if I am feeling up to it.
But worse: I have this big old bucket of Hershey's Kisses that my aunt gave me and they looked soooooooo good this morning that I had to eat one. Had to. There's no talking a person out of that kind of thing, people.
The main thing I noticed is that when I was done with the Kiss I had my first lemonade of the day and it didn't taste nearly as good as it did last night. All of the fake sugar from the Kiss got in the way of tasting the real sugar from the maple syrup. Huh. That might be why I need like eight thousand heaping teaspoons of it in my iced tea.
So see. I learned a lesson already.
I also learned that I really like cayenne pepper. I used to think the only type of spicy I could handle was the wasabi/horseradish kind. But yeah. Turns out I like red pepper just fine. It warms me up, which is good cause it's getting hella cold in Oakland and I don't have central heating anymore. Instead I have some sort of wall-mounted thing in my sewing room and this sexy ass combination space heater/hearth for the cupcake room:
It's difficult to grasp its awesomeness in the daylight. I'll share another picture later.
Sooooo yeah. No GZA last night. But today I'm having the bf come by and take all of this fucking food away, including the Kisses.
Apparently I cannot be trusted around temptation.
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