Okay so the reason I bought a new Jeep is
that my old one had spiders in it. Yeah. Fuckin spiders - which I am
terrified of - had decided to make families in the dark spaces of dear
Ruby, which meant that at any moment one of those little bastards could
come rolling across my windshield or swinging down from the roof of the
car. All bad.
Also, I kinda just wanted a new Jeep.
Ruby was only 5 years old, but her interior looked 20 years old because
I'd been smoking all manner of things and tossing stuff into my
backseat/trunk for about 4.5 years.
I searched high and
low and finally found what I wanted in the color I wanted. After a few
customizations she became absolutely Perfect. Her name is BigRed, and
she looks almost identical to Ruby except she is: Way. More. Fresh. And
doesn't have spiders.
I'm taking her on the road. Going to Santa Monica mid November and trying to stay here
I think. I like it because it is turquoise and right by the boardwalk.
That means I can have champagne brunches and then hit up those rides
that spin you in circles til you have vertigo for 15 minutes after.
Motion sickness is for pussies.
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