Today I'm celebrating by working pretty much naked. With sunglasses on cause, you know, they add that extra bit of coolness.
I say this not to tantalize you, dear friends. I say it because my new stance is to encourage nakedness and/or silk kimonos and/or leather catsuits for as many hours of the day as possible. Cause, you know, why the fuck not?
And in spite of the fact that I have my furniture now and could be camped on the Tangerine Dream watching cartoons with my proposals, I am still in bed. Haven't gotten used to having 3 different rooms to chill in, I guess.
Also, there is that my new bedroom is the shit:
Yeah. Peep that warm glow and super soft everything. Why should I leave this place? It has everything I need.
Meanwhile, the rest of my crib looks like this:
Boxes fuckin everywhere. I have slacked on unpacking cause I'm a grownup and I can.
The Dream has its advantages:
But I don't want to bank on not getting distracted.
Also: Comcast are assholes. That's just an aside, but worth noting. It's the only thing fucking up my work from home day, really. My wifi just turns off for no fuckin reason every couple hours, then comes back on. This started happening when I rejected their new shitassed combination modem/router and I think they are fucking with me.
Exhibit A: internet started getting fucked up the minute I told them to piss off with their new modem
Exhibit B: every time I make a disparaging remark about them over IM my connection gets janky
Shit. I'll probably be offline for an hour after publishing this post. But whatever. Work from home day!
I wish I wish I wish that I could be absolutely Free, though. Like. Untethered, untamed, unaccountable, uncontrolled, unsupervised.
If anyone reading this is living that way, I urge you to contact me at angelina at swiss army chick (all one word) dot com and tell me how the fuck you do it. That's a secret I'd pay dearly to learn.
Oh, but no broke shit. I don't mean to diss anyone, but if I can't have fresh sneakers and whatnot I'm not signing up for the plan.
I need my sneakers.
But I need my Freedom, too. Gotta figure out a way to have both. I'm a greedy little bastard. Yes I am.
Gordon Gekko would approve.
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