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Friday, November 8, 2013

T Minus 20 hours

Gotta reset, so I'm taking drastic measures. This is my last day of solid food for 10 days or more, if I can manage it. I've done all of the research. I've dotted my "i"s and crossed my "t"s. I've taken the next week off from work. This should be a piece of cake.

Except. You know. Without the cake.

I'm going to attempt to document this. I'm starting today while I still have my original intentions in mind and some semblance of dedication. I figure why the fuck not?

Some reasons I'm going Extreme with it:
  • My fighting weight is about 110 and I'm considerably higher than that right now. People often say that you shouldn't cleanse to lose weight, but those people can eat a dick. Along with anything else they want, I suppose.
  • I need to examine my relationship with food and drink. Mostly drink. Ha. But for reals, I eat horrible food and drink delicious exciting drinks to keep from thinking about things a lot of the time. I need a moment or forty with just my thoughts, you know?
  • I'm actually genuinely curious what happens to me if I don't indulge myself on every little whim. What happens to my mind when I quit weighing it down? Do I soar or do I go cray cray? Maybe a bit of both. First or last would be a welcome change.
  • I want to see if I can fucking do it. I've been absurdly persistent in some areas of my life. Mostly professional. I never say I'll do a professional thing and don't do it. Can I apply that ethic anywhere else? If I can I might just have a shot at ruling the world sooner than later.
 I'm tired of later. I want it now.

This is all easy to say as I sip grapefruit soda and realistically contemplate mochi ice cream on my boyfriend's bed. Something tells me it won't be this way so much when I'm on day two and my tenth glass of lemonade.

Cleanse experts say that I'm not supposed to do this, but I'm treating today like Fat Tuesday. Fucking champagne cocktails and goat cheese ravioli from my favorite Italian place down the block? Bring them the fuck on, please. Oh and I'll have dessert too, for a change. A sundae with one of those extra special homemade candied cherries on top. Make that two cherries, actually. Mille grazie.

Starting at bedtime it's go big or go home.

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